We have been working hard to create the best possible product. We have been listening to comments and suggestions in order to improve our design and its functionality.
Many problems have arisen throughout this process and we still have not come up with the best way to create out product. We tried to sew the fabric with a handheld sewing machine,but the stitching is not strong enough and it continues to come unraveled. We are excited to hear what everyone has to say at our next board meeting.
Other than our mishaps with our sewing, our customer discoveries have been amazing!! EVERYONE says that they would buy one depending on the price. So far, the price they'd be willing to pay is higher than what we expected. The most insightful question we asked were about what colors they would prefer because we learned about preference and other design ideas. we are really excited to find our solution and start selling our product!! :)
Here is the link to our youtube playlist with all our customer discoveries on it!

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